I’d love to share this with all of you. This is a speech that was rampant on facebook last year. When I read it, I was so moved that I saved it somewhere in the backlogs of my computer. Today I need some inspiration. I needed to be reminded of why I’m paying $900 in [...]

I visited Elizabeth Gilbert’s website today (Eat, Pray, Love), and came across this 20 minute speech. It moved me so much, that I had to share it with you. Over the years I’ve taken a good look at personal and artistic inflation and deflation, those unhealthy extremes that we, as humans, can get to. Most [...]

Hi everybody! May I say that I miss you all? I miss home, I miss my friends and my Mr. Right. Boy do I. But I’m learning a lot about myself these days, and I’m grateful, so I thought I’d share with you some of what I’m discovering about me these days. First of all… [...]

Doing this show is really good for me. Because I’ve got this ridiculous high note in the middle of “Love Is My Legs” (A belted B. No not that one. The one that’s a half step below high C. Yeah that one.) I’m having to keep my voice is tip-top shape every day. Not just [...]

Wow! What a great beginning to 2010! I feel like I’m being showered with blessings. I just landed the role of Maria in West Side Story – my second Equity contract, and this one will running for two months down in southern California, in addition to a full month of rehearsals. This, for me, is [...]


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